How it all started...

About 4 years ago, during the 2020 madness, I started branching out into a different style called composite photography. You could also call it surreal, cosplay, or fine-art photography. When I first learned that I could take multiple photos and blend them together to create something different I just knew I would have to do a Peter Pan inspired photo session at some point. My son at the time was only 2-3 years old so besides lacking the skills, I knew I had to wait until he was a bit older in order to create the photos I was dreaming of. Needless to say, he totally earned those Pokémon cards I bought for him as a reward for doing so good during his session! Now I just need to get these printed so they can go right above my desk because they make me SO HAPPY!

Below I'll share the whole series with you as well as the before photos so you can see what the session looked like before the magic of editing! I hope you enjoy and hope it makes you smile!

All the details...

I purchased his tunic, pants, faux shark tooth necklaces, and racoon tail hat from Amazon by searching through the renaissance themed apparel. His fox bonnet is from the amazing Native Fable (sadly no longer in business I believe.) The amazing digital backgrounds are by Rachel from This Wild Muse Designs on Etsy.

My gear includes my wonderful Sony A7ii camera and I used a Sony 85mm f1.8 and Sigma Art 35mm f1.4 lens for this session.

Once I get them printed and put on the wall I'll update this blog post with a finished photo!

Want to book a session?

I would LOVE to create a portrait or series for your child! Or YOU! Most of my work features children, but that's just a coincidence. I can create for anyone who wants portraits like these! These are so much fun to do and they make incredible pieces to display in your home. Send me an email below any time, or click the button to see my session info and inquire from there as well!

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